T. Helen Sage
Like you, I am many things. Healer. Yoga teacher. Reiki Practitioner. Shamen. Massage therapist. Mom. I love to frolic around the mountains on my bike or skis. I relish playing with my kids, and I am always on the lookout for some new zany adventure—inside or out, on my own or with others.
My Healer journey began in college where I graduated with a BS in Health Sciences in Athletic Training. I loved the body. Was fascinated by how it moved. And amazed at its own ability to heal. But I was not satisfied and knew there were many pieces to the puzzle to healing besides ice and exercise.
My yoga began just after college with a 6 week Hatha Class. From that one beginner series I continued on my own for many years. Finally I found a teacher I jived with. My neighbor who taught Forrest Yoga. In opening a space in 2006 for my new massage practice, I put in a yoga studio to accompany it and went to teacher training with Ana Forrest herself in Seattle.
In that training I fell in love. A missing piece came to me, yoga. Besides learning to teach, I learned how to help people heal. And healed myself of a whiplash injury I acquired in college on the sidelines of a football game. Since then I have acquired over 1,000 hours of Forrest Yoga training.
In the fall of 2019 some thing told me to stop. I needed to move in a different way. I discovered Buti yoga and was amazed that the body movements of the hips in Buti helped me release old patterns from lifetimes. It was critical in the letting go process of the Shamen work I was studying.
Today my classes encompass the marriage of Buti and Forrest along with all of my realms of healing. From a shamanic clearing at the beginning of class, actually “seeing” my students and their stuck energy in their movement and poses to direct my cues corrections, to reiki in Savasanna. My classes are dynamic on all levels of the body.
Soul Flow Yoga
Forrest Yoga meets Buti Yoga! Enjoy this uplifting, soul connecting class. Breath work, core work. Stretch and strengthen to help peal the layers of stress and life to reach into the depths of YOU! All while dancing in between the vignettes to create a soul flowing yoga!
Restorative and Reiki
Need to unwind and center for a moment? Restorative and Reiki may be the place for you to calm at the end of the week before the weekend. Pranayama is first and foremost as it all starts with the breath. Without it, we are dead! Then some SLOW movement to warm up the body to better "be" in restorative poses. I will come around and give reiki to where I'm being called. If there are any specific injuries or issues that you would like me to tend to, please inform me at the beginning of class